3 years ago

To mark Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, LADbible teamed up with Balls to Cancer to produce a campaign to help raise awareness and raise money to support those dealing with cancer.  

We took to the streets to ask men if they knew how to check for signs of testicular cancer, all to promote the importance of checking regularly. Alongside, we designed a step-by-step tutorial guide on Instagram on how to check for the signs, as well as reassuring our audience with stories of survivors from our community.  

Every year thousands of men are diagnosed with testicular cancer, but the survival rate is incredibly high if caught early as it is one of the most treatable types of cancer. Over 95% of men with early-stage testicular cancer will be completely cured.  

The campaign reached 5,428,998 views and 204,601 engagements,  all to educate young men on the precautionary steps they can take against the cancer. 

Watch the vox pops here.
